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View showing performance at the category level.

Written by Rafał Idzik - Data Octopus
Updated this week


Data view presenting sales results at the category level, based on data from the IdoSell e-commerce engine. The analysis covers transactions from store ID "1", focusing on orders with "finished" status. The report aggregates data from all integrated sales channels, providing a complete picture of purchasing activity.

The report aggregates data from all integrated sales channels, providing a complete picture of purchasing activity.

  • The report includes orders from various sources, including:

  • Standard transactions made directly through the online store

  • Sales through marketplace platforms (Allegro, Empik, Amazon)

  • Orders manually entered by store staff

  • Transactions processed through the POS system

It should be noted that the visibility of sales data is strictly tied to the integration configuration in the IdoSell system. This means that orders from external platforms (e.g., Allegro) will only be visible in the report when they are actively processed by the store engine.


The report is created based on the last 30 days counted from yesterday.


  1. Analyze the distribution of net revenue across product categories to identify key categories generating the highest revenue and categories requiring offer optimization or marketing activities.

  2. Compare the ratio of orders (Orders) to unique customers (Clients) in individual categories, which will help identify categories with the highest repeat purchase rate and potential for building customer loyalty.

  3. Examine the average position of products from a given category in the cart (Avg Basket Position) to determine which categories are the main purchase drivers and which serve as complementary products, helping optimize cross-selling.

  4. Analyze sales of individual categories by tracking the quantity of units sold (Item Quantity) and order values (Gross Revenue), enabling better inventory planning and promotional activities.

  5. Monitor margin levels (ecom_profit_level_1) broken down by category, comparing net revenues with purchase costs (net_cogs) to identify the most and least profitable categories and make decisions about assortment development or optimization.

  6. Analyze the average shopping cart value in individual categories (Gross Revenue/Orders), allowing identification of premium and economic categories and adjustment of pricing and promotional strategies.

  7. Monitor the relationship between quantity sold (Item Quantity) and sales value (Net Revenue) in categories to identify categories requiring pricing policy or assortment structure optimization.

  8. Analyze the percentage share of each category in total sales and profit, allowing assessment of the strategic importance of individual categories and potential risks associated with dependence on specific product groups.


Categorization Structure:

  1. category_name - Category name.

  2. category_lev_1 - Main product category (first level of categorization).

  3. category_lev_2 - Product subcategory (second level of categorization).

  4. category_lev_3 - Detailed product category (third level of categorization).

Category Sales Data:

  1. orders - Total number of orders containing products from the given category.

  2. clients - Number of unique customers who purchased products from the given category.

  3. item_quantity - Total quantity of units sold within the category.

  4. item_order_gross_value - Total gross sales value (including tax) of all products in the category.

  5. item_order_net_value - Total net sales value (excluding tax) of all products in the category.

Category Analytics Data:

  1. avg_basket_position - Average position of products from the given category in shopping carts.

  2. net_cogs - Total net Cost of Goods Sold for all products in the category.

  3. ecom_profit_level_1 - Total first-level profit for the category (difference between revenue and basic costs of all products in the category).

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