Brand report presenting sales results at the brand level, based on data from the IdoSell e-commerce engine. The analysis covers transactions from store ID "1", focusing on orders with "finished" status. The report aggregates data from all integrated sales channels, providing a complete picture of purchasing activity.
The report aggregates data from all integrated sales channels, providing a complete picture of purchasing activity. The report includes orders from various sources, including:
Standard transactions made directly through the online store
Sales through marketplace platforms (Allegro, Empik, Amazon)
Orders manually entered by store staff
Transactions processed through the POS system
It should be noted that the visibility of sales data is strictly tied to the integration configuration in the IdoSell system. This means that orders from external platforms (e.g., Allegro) will only be visible in the report when they are actively processed by the store engine.
The report is created based on the last 30 days counted from yesterday.
Analyze net sales values (Net Revenue) of individual brands to identify leading manufacturers and assess their contribution to the store's overall sales performance.
Compare the number of orders (Orders) with the number of unique customers (Clients) for each brand to discover which brands build the highest customer loyalty and generate repeat purchases.
Examine the average position of brand products in the shopping cart (Avg Basket Position) to understand which brands are the main reason for purchases and which are chosen as cart supplements.
Compare the quantity of units sold (Item Quantity) with sales value (Gross/Net Revenue) at the brand level to identify brands with the highest sales effectiveness and unit order value.
Analyze the gross and net revenue structure (Gross/Net Revenue) of individual brands in conjunction with purchase costs (Net Cost of Goods) to assess which brands generate the highest margin.
Monitor profit level (Profit Level 1) in comparison with sales volume to identify the most profitable brands in the portfolio.
Compare the share of individual brands in total sales to assess business dependency on specific manufacturers and potential business risk.
Analyze the average order value for individual brands by dividing revenue by number of orders to identify premium and budget brands in the offering.
Use brand margin data to negotiate commercial terms with manufacturers and optimize the product portfolio.
brand - Brand name of products in the system. Brand Sales Data:
orders - Total number of orders containing products of the given brand.
clients - Number of unique customers who purchased products of the given brand.
item_quantity - Total quantity of units sold within the brand.
item_order_gross_value - Total gross sales value of all brand products.
item_order_net_value - Total net sales value of all brand products.
Brand Analytics Data:
avg_basket_position - Average position of brand products in shopping carts.
net_cogs - Total net Cost of Goods Sold for all brand products.
ecom_profit_level_1 - Total first-level profit for the brand (difference between revenue and basic costs of all brand products).