To create a new view, go to PREVIEW of the uploaded import.
2. 2. then through Columns and Filters determine what view you want to create.
Filtering functions (expand the list)
Columns - select which columns should be visible in the table.
Filters - filter types - filter what assumptions you want the field to meet.
Filtering functions (expand the list)
Filtering functions (expand the list)
Not contains
Not equal
Starts with
Ends with
Not blank
3. Next, click Create View. A sidebar will appear on the right.
4. Give a name for the new view.
5. Click Create view to save the new view.
Choose view: Select a view from the previously saved views.
Data export: Export data to Excel. Clicking on your device will download a file in xlsx format, which you can open in Excel.
SQL: Determine a view using a MySQL table query.